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Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Air Travel

I'm in the process of shopping for a travel projector for use in churches (and the right screen and player, etc.) I have to consider air travel as Winnebago travel tours originating in the far left corner of the US (Seattle) is just not practical. (How did this New Yorker ever get HERE again?) I really should live in St. Louis, MO or somewhere really central for a lifestyle like that, but that is not even an option ofor our family's situation. So, for me, flying is the only option. I hope it doesn't get MUCH worse than it is right now. I've already been "patted down" thoroughly and searched because I wouldn't be zapped in the "peep show" all body radiation scanner. Oh, heaven help us!

Does anybody out there read John Leary messages? What do you think of them, what do you know? When even Glen Beck from Fox TV news says to have a year's supply of food ready, things have to be getting close.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I had not heard of John Leary until I read this blog post. I have since read a dozen or so messages. I have not yet found any articles elsewhere that conclude that the revelations are divine in nature. Such as something official from the Roman Catholic Church. Some message content makes me contemplate matters of my own faith, but that's about as far as I'll take it. There seems to be mention of a lot of things of this world, in detail, but I believe we need not fear anything of this world. We may not like it, we may have hardships, but we need not fear. Lord Jesus, help me to love you more, and trust in your mercy.