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Tuesday, March 8, 2011


We had a proper fat Tuesday at our house, with an afternoon tea for the whole family, complete with lemon tea cake, assorted chocolate dipped cookies and fruits. It's going to be a REAL sacrifice for the love of my Jesus to forgo this lovely time of respite which gets me through the grey winter. The ceremony, the music, the lovely decor, the feel of a beautiful tea pot or cup in my hands... the goodies. Yes, a great sacrifice. Now I have to think of another way to get my kids to come running to me for a relaxing time together. Chocolate always seems to work great... Sigh... Well, I'm off to Texas...


paladin said...

:) Not to bollix up any already-laid plans, but: you could possibly do an "add a spiritual discipline" type of Lenten penance, instead of a "subtract a licit enjoyment" penance...

(With my food allergies and low weight, I've had to do that; I add an extra rosary per day.)

Unknown said...

Yes, instead of tea, we meet at 3:00 pm for a Divine Mercy Chaplet, prayed on our knees in front of the Miraculous image. A habit I hope to keep up afterward.