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Wednesday, June 1, 2011


What started as a labor of love is culminating into a very tedious final. This week we are preparing to go to mastering on Friday and I am pouring through each song AND it's background track for every little detail. New things keep popping out at me that I never heard before. Things that are really fine, I suppose, but the decisions and indecisions are driving me crazy (and my producer, Barry. I should to give him many bonuses for all the extra miles he goes for me.) I don't even know how to comment anymore, yet, I need to listen over and over to make sure nothing accidently gets left out or something. Barry says, "It's like a painting. It is never finished. It just stops in interesting places." I need to stop before I ruin it - as I did one song and now we have to take 5 steps to undo it. In contrast though, in "examining" the background tracks (without vocals) I hear so many "O, so cool" sounds and parts that I never really paid attention to before. Barry is so talented at this music stuff. He's really amazing. I wonder how one learns stuff like that.

The great news is that we got the mastering guy and studio we really wanted. His name is Peter Moshay and he currently works in NY as the on staff, full-time, audio guy for Hall and Oats' online radio program. We could have waited months for him to be available as has happened before, but, what do you know, he is available the exact day we need him. God is good! So, next week this should all be done and will go to replication. Then in July or so all my co-producers will get their official pre-release copies. Oh, famous last words! I'll believe it when I see it.

Please pray I keep my sanity.

1 comment:

John said...

We find it so easy to say: "If this is going to happen, I must worry the details." Consider instead St Theresa of Avilla. The Lord's call to a new monastic rule took many years to develop. This was God's work and she was the faithful servant. God has given you a remarkable gift/charism to convey His love and mercy through music. Thank you for being faithful!