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Friday, June 25, 2010

Hard Truths

It's been a challenge for me as a songwriter to not "water down" the lyrics of some of these "Stations" songs. Take for instance, station #10 - Jesus is Stripped... It is not compfortable to sing those words. I can do "lost everything" or "torn his clothes" or "ripped away" etc. but STRIPPED just doesn't SING!!! When I finally gave in to the word, the song became heavier, more intense and hard to listen to - but isn't that more the TRUTH?! Jesus didn't have any clothes on! - but we don't like to confront that reality or the direness of the event. But that is the point of meditating on these things, isn't it? To water it down is to not enter in completely - and that would defeat the purpose of my seting these meditations to music and video. No, this project will not be comercially accepted, but I'm in good company - because neither was Jesus. People would rather have Santa and the Easter Bunny.

If you've read this post, would you please just click the "comment" box below and say "read it." You don't have to leave your name or any message, I'm just curious to know if anybody actually reads this. Thanks so much. God bless you.


Anonymous said...

Not wanting to be disobedient -- I'll say "read it," but my main reason for commenting is to say, Amen, sister, amen. Keep telling the Truth -- that's where we find Him. You do so much good in bringing Him to us in your music. AMEN! Let's go have tea soon. Love ya.

paladin said...

:) Read it, and applauded it. God bless your conviction to say what's hard!

Unknown said...

Read it. Yes, the truth is hard sometimes but is also sets us free.

Francis Choudhury said...

Totally with you on this! Now, more than ever, the world (Christians included) needs the "Truth", the "whole Truth" and "nothing but the Truth". And that, quite literally and precisely, is the One Who is Truth stripped/emptied, crucified, died and risen - for us.
God bless,

Unknown said...

Read it

Unknown said...

Thank you for your integrity in your work. ~Gretchen

Unknown said...

Hey Donna, "read it" - the entire page with all the comments, news links - Facebook etc. You are a gifted musician and singer. I enjoy listening to you. More importantly, I appreciate your directness in presenting the 'Truth' like it is and should be. God bless.